Framework for Pervasive Learning


Previously, many e-learning applications have been developed. However, they lack from supporting different educational contents in an integrated way as well as appropriate contents according to the learner’s context. For this, we aim to provide a context-aware framework, which uses contextual information to provide context-aware contents to the learners. The utilized contextual information includes place, time and date, educational environment, and the weekly schedule of the learner. Besides, the framework supports different ways of content delivery, including course, short course, mind map, and flashcard in two ways of test or game. To model the proposed framework, the Decision Table approach is exploited, in which the relationship between the contextual information and the ways of content delivery has been mapped. To implement the proposed framework, the Decision Table has been converted to software rules in three parts. By consulting experts, 12 rules are proposed. Finally, we have developed a mobile app based on the Android platform to realize the proposed framework.


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